Monday 7 March 2011

Jerky Making on an Industrial Scale

I have just sliced up a rather large amount of partially frozen beef chunks (freezing them a little makes them easier to slice thinly), salted them and put them in the dehydrator. I took some some photos so I can catalogue the whole process at a later date. I also soaked some nuts and seeds in wamr salty water, having been convinced by numerous sources such as this, that it removes the harmful elements and increases many vitamins. They are also in the dehydrator.

Food has been good today and I took some coconut and celery with me to eat while I wasaway from home. It sustained me for most of the time but I was pretty hungry by the time I got back home. I have also eaten today: scrambled eggs, avacado, pork belly slice, thai chicken curry with coconut milk, thai style salmon in coconut milk. Amazingly I'm not hungry now, I'm pleasantly surprised by how little I can get away with eating these days - more time for life!

I weighed in at 15 stone 9 this morning, which gives me a total loss of 7.5lbs.

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