Saturday 5 March 2011

Dodgy Fish

I think I ate some dodgy fish. It tasted a bit off but I decided to eat it anyway as i was hungry and didn't want more meat, but I'm experiencing the first digestive discomfort since going primal. It's only mild and I'm sure I'll live, but I have learned to trust my instincts and not eat food that tastes wrong. Especially fish.

I went to the butcher again today and had a different man serve me this time. He was also very nice - they're very friendly and polite there, and the meat last time was fantastic. I'm still enjoting what I eat and am loving the fact I don't have to eat so much as it means I can get on with things. Yesterday I had my first ever taste of cocnut milk and oh my god, it was like 1/2 of an orgasm. I don't know if it would have tasted sweet to me before going primal, but it was the sweetest, most delicious thing I've had this fortnight. Possibly for a long time. Coconuts are pretty cheap too, I bought mine for 69p from Ocado! I've been eating the meat as a snack too, so it's the best 69p I've ever spent and will be buying more of those.

I was relieved to see the scales down at 15 stone 9.25 today, so I'm back on a losing streak. I don't feel any different yet, as is expected after only 12 days.

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